Great Good Fine Ok Is A-Okay and Ready For Montauk

From humble Brooklyn beginnings to fast paced viral outbreak, indie rockers Great Good Fine Ok are treading the waters of internet superstardom quite well. Made up of Jon Sandler and Luke Moellman, the duo is performing a special acoustic set at the MBH as part of This Fiction’s Mid-Summer Party on July 16th. We chatted with Jon Sadler about Great Good Fine Ok’s musical origins, their impressive roster of tour mates and much more in preparation for the event.

Take us from your initial meeting in Brooklyn to your current partnership.

When Luke and I decided to write a song together about 3 years ago we had no intention of necessarily starting a band, and couldn’t have predicted that we would talk almost every day from that point on. Our partnership happened in an incredibly organic way fueled by people’s love for the art that we make together, and that has spawned both a strong friendship and working relationship.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve learned about each other since forming Great Good Fine OK?

Both of us have pretty much become experts at identifying the other’s idiosyncrasies, weird habits and overall personality quirks. It’s like dating someone for 3 years. Not sure if pointing those things out would be the healthiest idea for the band’s future…maybe we’ll let it all loose in a future biographical tell-all!

Fair enough haha.

Of all the musicians you’ve toured with, who have you learned from the most?

We’ve been extremely lucky to be able to tour with several bands that we respect and are huge fans of, and we’ve honestly learned a ton from them all. Just to name a few, from Betty Who, Joywave and Magic Man to Vacationer and Penguin Prison. All total rock stars and great people.

Your most recent track with Orla Gartland ‘Shapeshifting’ is about change. What’s the biggest change you’ve faced since finding widespread internet fame?

When we first started, we went from 0-60 extremely fast. There were crazy new opportunities everyday, and benefits of being the “new buzzy band in town.” Everything had this crazy fast pace.  We’ve been fortunate enough to keep our trajectory going upward and gain the best most loving fan base, but at a certain point you realize that the journey is not easy and involves patience, ups and downs, and endless hard work.

You’re playing at the MBH! Have you been to Montauk before? What are you most excited for?

Yeah! We are super excited! I’ve never been to Montauk, but have heard only wonderful things. Excited to hit the beach and eat some delicious seafood!

Do you guys have your poolside performance ensembles all picked out yet?!

Not yet, but now you got me thinking…

No pressure 😉 

What else is on your summer agenda?

We are very excited to tour in July and August and to keep writing/recording. Lots of new stuff on the horizon!

This Fiction’s Mid-Summer Party takes place on July 16th from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Peep the rest of our calendar and RSVP here